Monday, June 15, 2009

Forex Rule

The tradesmen of FOREX should employ the free account of demonstration to study the trade of FOREX

The beginners must patiently study. The tradesmen of FOREX of beginner can initially examine the account of demonstration where they can study the process, develop the commercial strategy of various FOREX. If their possibilities of carrying out the benefit increase day after day, this indicate that a tradesman of FOREX of beginner could establish the true account of trade of FOREX.

Employ the stop loss to reduce the risk

The tradesman of FOREX must be able to allow himself to take the loss. Using the stop the loss will prevent any other loss, the loss accessible depends on the situation available from margin on account. If there is a stop loss, the tradesmen of FOREX should not feel the inversion because him or it prevented the loss from becoming worse.

The margin of account must be sufficient

Less the trading margin, plus the risk is large, therefore beginners must avoid leaving the margin of account are too little. Such a quantity of account does not make it possible any error to occur. Even a well-tested tradesman of FOREX can make errors.

Record the commercial details

The beginner should record all the commercial details, if there is certain news or other reasons which influence profits and losses. The tradesmen of FOREX cannot remember the history of each trade, therefore the recording is useful by increasing commercial qualifications of FOREX.

Do not enter the market of FOREX after manufacture of the loss

Ardently do not open a new market situation reversed in order to recover loss. This will make only the situation worse. Do not play with the market of FOREX by the estimate.


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