Monday, June 15, 2009

Forex Tips

Will know your report/ratio of risk against your report/ratio of incomes.The analysis of the risk and the benefit is extremely important for any tradesman of FOREX. The minimum risk that should employ to you is 2: 1. If you trade the GBP/USD and you want to gain 50 pips, should not risk to you more than 25 pips.

Have a suitable capital.If I lose 50% of my capital starting during one 6 months time, I can nevertheless be commercial? Only if the answer is .yes you can start to trade. Your commercial freedom should not be influenced by your fear to lose.

Is it a tendency or a neutral?Learn how to analyze the market of FOREX. In a market trend, follow the tendency, on a neutral market, low purchase and the high one of sale, since you employ the stop loss, and order you your risk.

Include/understand how the market thinks.Everyone should accept that any information is already included in the price of a pair of currency. You must know the indicators to come, and you must know what is already envisaged by the market. The large majority of the publications of the market is already envisaged and the prices by the market.

Will know why you are in a trade.Keep a newspaper of your trade and record exactly why you entered each trade. Do not be impulsive and do not follow your strategy, in this way which you will learn which strategies function for you the long run and what do not function.

Study.Learn the new ideas, hold up to date, and do not trade on the ideas of others, should always know to you why you are in a trade of FOREX.


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